Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99%

De rijkste 1 procent van de wereldbevolking produceerde in 2019 evenveel koolstofvervuiling als de vijf miljard mensen die de armste twee derde van de mensheid vormen, onthult een nieuw Oxfam-rapport. Het rapport komt aan de vooravond van de VN-klimaattop in Dubai, temidden van de groeiende vrees dat de doelstelling van 1,5°C om de stijgende temperaturen te beperken steeds onhaalbaarder lijkt.

Lees het rapport

Executive summary

The world faces twin crises of climate breakdown and runaway inequality. The richest people, corporations and countries are destroying the world with their huge carbon emissions. Meanwhile, people living in poverty, those experiencing marginalization, and countries in the Global South are those impacted the hardest. Women and girls, Indigenous Peoples, people living in poverty and other groups experiencing discrimination are particularly at a disadvantage. The consequences of climate breakdown are felt in all parts of the world and by most people, yet only the richest people and countries have the wealth, power and influence to protect themselves. With that power
comes a huge responsibility.

If no action is taken, the richest will continue to burn through the carbon we have left to use while keeping the global temperature below the safe limit of 1.5°C, destroying any chance of ending poverty and ensuring equality. The world needs an equal transformation. Only a radical reduction in inequality, transformative climate action and fundamentally shifting our economic goals as a society can save our planet while ensuring well-being for all.
